Main StREet sWeep
Saturday, May 18, 2024
On May 18th we invite the community to join us for our annual spring clean up day. Main Street Sweep is an opportunity to return downtown into a beautiful, healthy, inviting space after a long winter.
As we look to harness the power of people in our community to achieve great things by joining together. Bringing the beauty of downtown back lies in the cooperation and collaboration of our community. The simple act of cleaning can become a force that binds together people and groups working towards the same goal. Join us for this fun event.
Volunteers will meet at Anton's Garden at 9:45am to get assignments and supplies then we will head out to Sweep downtown Waterloo! We will meet back at Anton's Garden at 1pm for lunch provide by Jimmy John's (West Jefferson) and drinks from Anton's Garden. We hope to see you for our 2024 spring clean up day!
Thank you to our SponsorS
Lunch Sponsor
Jimmy Johns
21 West Jefferson St
Beverage Sponsor
Anton's Garden
518 Sycamore St